1. Start Business
  2. Open your own business
  3. Expand Business
  4. Business Planning
  5. Business Communication Skills
  6. Financial Literacy
  7. Maths for Accountants
  8. French for Tourism
  9. 1-C Software
  10. English Pre-Beginner
  11. French Pre-Beginner
  12. Computer Essentials
  13. Online Essentials
  14. Presentations
  15. Word Processing
  16. Spreadsheets
  17. Using Databases
  18. National test preparation courses (Russian, Maths, Chemistry, Biology)
  19. IELTS Preparation
  20. TOEFL iBT Preparation
  21. Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Preparation
Course image Microsoft PowerPoint 2019
Short Courses & Outreach Programmes

Презентации ICDL

Умение создать и представить увлекательную презентацию является жизненно важным элементом вашей работы, особенно если необходимо донести информацию и идеи другим. Изучив Презентации ICDL, вы узнаете, как с легкостью использовать программное обеспечение для создания и проведения презентаций, и получите инструменты для развития навыков создания презентаций.

По завершении данного модуля вы будете уметь:

  • Работать с презентациями и сохранять их в файлах разных форматов локально или в облаке.
  • Использовать доступные справочные ресурсы для повышения производительности.
  • Различать виды презентаций и знать когда их использовать, выбирать различные установленные макеты слайдов, оформления и темы.
  • Вводить, редактировать и форматировать текст и таблицы в презентациях. Узнаете передовой опыт применения уникальных заголовков к слайдам и научитесь создавать согласованный контент слайдов с помощью мастер-слайда (слайда-образца).
  • Выбирать, создавать и форматировать диаграммы для содержательной передачи информации.
  • Вставлять, редактировать и выравнивать картинки и нарисованные объекты.
  • Применять к презентациям эффект анимации и эффект смены слайдов, а также проверять и корректировать содержимое презентации перед печатью и проведением презентации.

Какие преимущества дает прохождение данного модуля?

Умение создавать и представлять увлекательные презентации – жизненно важный навык для профессионалов, позволяющий представлять информацию, данные и другие материалы различными способами, чтобы выразительно подать свои идеи и свою работу. С помощью Презентаций ICDL вы научитесь эффективно отображать различную информацию. После того, как вы разовьете навыки и знания, изложенные в настоящей книге, у вас появится возможность получить международный сертификат по Презентациям ICDL.

Для получения подробной информации о конкретных областях учебного плана Презентаций ICDL, охваченных в каждом разделе данного пособия, обратитесь к карте учебного плана Презентаций ICDL, расположенной в конце книги.

Course image Advanced Placement Statistics
Short Courses & Outreach Programmes

Learn about the major concepts and tools used for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. You’ll explore statistics through discussion and activities, and you'll design surveys and experiments.

Skills You'll Learn

  • Selecting methods for collecting or analyzing data
  • Describing patterns, trends, associations, and relationships in data
  • Using probability and simulation to describe probability distributions and define uncertainty in statistical inference
  • Using statistical reasoning to draw appropriate conclusions and justify claims
Course image English for Academic Purposes Teacher Training
Short Courses & Outreach Programmes

This course is designed to equip teachers with the necessary skills to teach English for Academic Purposes at the School of Professional and Continuing Education. Teachers will receive the chance to improve their own academic writing, reading, speaking, listening, and grammar through the various course assessments, and while enhancing their teaching skills within this knowledge area. Over the course of eight weeks, the course will encompass CEFR levels B1+ to C1 of EAP.

Course image Computer Essentials
Short Courses & Outreach Programmes

Using Databases

Databases are crucial tools for storing, managing, and manipulating data. ICDL Using Databases will help you understand what a database is and what it is used for. This module will also allow you to demonstrate a range of key skills relating to building and using a database.

On completion of this module you will be able to:

•       Understand what a database is and how it is organised.

•       Create a simple database and view the database content in various modes.

•       Create a table, define and modify fields, and create relationships between tables. Enter and edit data in a table.

•       Use filters and queries to retrieve specific information from a database.

•       Create a form to enter, modify and delete records and data in records.

•       Create routine reports and prepare outputs ready for print or electronic distribution.

What are the benefits of this module?

This module covers the key functions and characteristics of databases and how to organise and operate them. Once you have developed the skills and knowledge set out in this book, you will be in a position to become certified in an international standard in this area - ICDL Using Databases.

For details of the specific areas of the ICDL Using Databases syllabus covered in each section of this book, refer to the ICDL Using Databases syllabus map at the end of the book.

Course image Cambridge FCE
Short Courses & Outreach Programmes

Objective First is an updated and revised edition  of the best- selling Cambridge English: First (FCE)course. It is official preparation material for the revised 2015 exam,and combines thorough and systematic exam preparation with language work designed to improve students' overall English level.

Course image Cambridge KET A1
Short Courses & Outreach Programmes

The Elementary level A2 course is designed for students who have mastered the competencies of basic level English. Students who seek to further develop communicative abilities for both formal and informal settings. Activities include listening, speaking, and communicative exercises for pairs and small groups. Emphasis is placed on the appropriate use of the variety of sentence structures, verb forms, and punctuation, and on the writing of sentences in context. This course is designed to provide practice in these skills that will continue to assist students in mastering English. By the end of this level, a student with an average progress at previous levels will be able to do most of the things described at the A2 level of Common European Framework (CEFR). Students will be able to sit in the Cambridge English Key exam. The course is designed to fit 120 academic hours.


Course image Conversational English Pre-Intermediate
Short Courses & Outreach Programmes
By the end of this course, students with good attendance and a committed approach to learning should have developed most, if not all, of the competencies set out in level A2/A2+ of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR). Through this course students will improve their level of English language aspects in complex that include Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Practicing skills. By the end of the course the students will practically: • understand high-frequency phrases • know what to say in typical situations • know how to overcome typical travel problems